Learning To Mom ™ Pregnancy and Newborn Life Podcast for First Time Moms, New Moms and Expecting Mothers

Your Pelvic Floor in Postpartum: Myths, Misconceptions, and What to Do About It with Tighten Your Tinkler| Ep. 82

Season 2 Episode 82

Honestly, if you've given birth (either vaginally or via c-section), this is for you!

Are you leaking pee, just wanting to return to exercise, dealing with prolapse, experiencing pain in sex in postpartum, urinary incontinence, or any other pelvic floor issues?? then listen in!

In this episode with Christina from Tighten Your Tinkler, we discuss:

  • What is the pelvic floor?
  • Why is the pelvic floor important?
  • Pelvic floor misconceptions 
  • What is normal when it comes to the pelvic floor?
  • Proper bathroom positions to protect the pelvic floor
  • How do we address our pelvic floor problems?

and more!!

We discuss practical, evidence-based advice to help you navigate these common postpartum pelvic floor issues. Join Tighten Your Tinkler for advice and expert tips on your postpartum pelvic floor and learn about many misconceptions!


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Postpartum, pelvic floor, postpartum pelvic floor, What is the pelvic floor, why is the pelvic floor important, Pelvic floor misconceptions, urination, postpartum urination, c-section, sleeping through the night postpartum, what does pelvic floor pain feel like postpartum, postpartum pelvic floor exercises, when to start pelvic floor pt postpartum, postpartum pelvic floor and core exercises, postpartum pelvic floor care, postpartum pelvic floor issues, postpartum pelvic floor pain,  postpartum pelvic floor strengthening, postpartum pelvic floor therapy, mom, Mom podcast, parenting podcast, First time mom podcast, motherhood podcast, postpartum podcast, infant podcast, newborn care podcast, urinary incontinence (leaking urine), fecal incontinence, pelvic organ prolapse, rectum bulge into the vagina, pain during sex, and pelvic pain, all stemming from the stretching and weakening of the pelvic floor muscles during childbirth

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