Learning To Mom ™ Pregnancy and Newborn Life Podcast for First Time Moms, New Moms and Expecting Mothers

Why You NEED a Birth Photographer with Kristen van Gilse | Ep. 38

May 20, 2024 Season 1 Episode 38

Is Birth Photography worth it???

Why you should consider getting a birth photographer- regardless if you’re wanting a natural, medicated or C-section birth!

This week's episode of the Learning To Mom Podcast we dive DEEP into birth photography from Kristen, a birth photographer:

Kristen gives us the answers to these questions (and more!!)
- Why have a birth photographer? 
- What are the common poses or shots a birth photographer can get?
- What are the misconceptions around birth photography?
- Is this only for home births, or also hospital and birthing center births?
- What if I end up having a c-section?
- Are you there for the entire labor or just the delivery?
- Should I put on makeup, what should I wear?
- What are some questions to ask a birth photographer when determining if you want to hire that photographer?
- What are some photos I should ask my partner or a nurse to take for me?”



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How to connect with Kristen:

- Her website
- Her instagram

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